Version 0.2

This is the second version of the game

New Features


You can sell the resources you have gathered. But some resources can’t be sold. Here is a list of resources that can be sold:

  • Wood
  • Stick
  • Stone
  • Berry

Loose condition

In the first version, there were no loose condition. Each moon the villagers are fed. When a villager is not fed, he dies. Yoo loose when all the villagers die.


Making the UI for the tasks

The way I create the UI for a task is that I set some HTML elements, set their IDs, and bind them to javascript. In instance to render this task, task punch rock I need this HTML code

<li class="job">
    <div class="title">
        <span id="lab_punch_rock">Punch rock</span>
        <button title="Play" id="btn_punch_rock"
            class="icon-only icon-play" type="button">
    <progress id="progress_punching_rock" max="100" min="0" value="0"></progress>

I use these IDs progress_punching_rock, btn_punch_rock, lab_punch_rock to create the task with this JavaScript code

// I get the task information from CastleDB and create a Task instance
let taskPunchRock = data.getTaskInstanceByID("punchRock");
// I bind the HTML elemnts with theri IDs
taskPunchRock.bindDom(progress_punching_rock, btn_punch_rock, lab_punch_rock);

I had to do that with every new task that I add to the game. It was driving me mad, too many repetitions. I needed to find another way of doing it. So I decided to get all the task from the database and create an instance for each of them using a loop. I’ll set a way of naming the element’s ID so that I will infer the elements ID directly from the task ID. One loop will be able to create an instance of all the tasks.

Now, I can create all the task instances with this code.

let listTasks = []
// Get all the tasks entries from the database
for (const line of this.tasks["lines"]) {
   // Create a task instance 
    let task = this.getTaskInstanceByID(line["id"])
    // Bind dom elements
    const progress = document.getElementById(`progress_${}`);
    const btn = document.getElementById(`btn_${}`);
    const lab = document.getElementById(`lab_${}`);
    // Verify that the task exist in the HTML code and add it to the list
    if (progress != null && btn != null && lab != null) {
        task.bindDom(progress, btn, lab);

I don’t have to write new JavaScript code each time I create a new task. That’s great.


index.html Play in browser
Version 0.2 6 hours ago

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