Fire Escape

A text based Adventure Game.

Made for the Gamedev.js jam

Theme : TIME

How the theme is implemented:

This game is a text-based adventure game, it is an escape game where the player has to escape from a burning house. The time component is implemented through a gauge bar showing what percentage of the house is filled with smoke. The player has to escape the house before it gets filled by smoke. 

There is a time constraint, the player has to get out as fast as possible.

Synopsis :  

You wake up in your bed, in your house. There's something unusual; you're smelling something strange, it's smoke. Suddenly, you realize that your house is on fire. You get up and start looking for a way to escape the burning house. 

Hurry up, get out of the house before it gets filled with smoke.

Language : C#

Engine : Monogame

Get the source on Github

Controls : 

You interact in the game by imputing commands.

Commands Description 
startstart the game
creditsopen credits
west (w) go to west
south (s) go to south
east (e) go to east
north (n) go to north
take Xadd object X to the inventory
use Xuse object x
desc Xdescribe object X
describe Xdescribe object X

Development duration : 15h 07 mins

Development log

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